Resident of Gondar, Meseret meticulously sorts her household waste into designated bins, educating her family & neighbours.
She even composts organic waste in her backyard, creating nutrient-rich fertilizer for her plants.
Fikre Assefa & Family
(Dire Dawa)
Fikre Assefa, along with her family have established a system within their household to sort different waste types, encouraging their neighbours to do the same.
They also actively participates in community clean-up initiatives, setting a positive example for their neighbours.
Dawit Gebremariam
(Addis Ababa)
a resident of Addis Ababa, exemplifies resourcefulness & innovation in waste management.
He repurposes and upcycles everyday items, collects recyclable materials from his neighbourhood, connecting with collectors through Youcan platform.
Visualising Waste Transformation
A Roadmap for Responsible Disposal
Segregate & Schedule
Separate your waste into designated bins.
Schedule a pickup in Youcan
Collector Arrives
Collector checks your waste
Pays you for your recyclables
Sent to recycling
Collector takes your waste to specialized recycling facilities
Remanufacturing happens
The raw materials from recycling are used to manufacture new products.
Waste gets recyled
Waste undergoes a transformation to become reusable materials.
Lets chat !
We’d love to hear from you. Share questions, feedbacks or even ideas.
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Youcan simplifies recycling and empowers you to contribute to a sustainable planet. We believe in empowering individuals to recycle responsibly and make a collective impact.